Worcester Fencing Club
The Heart of Massachusetts
 Worcester Fencing Clubthe heart of massachusetts

You're invited to our Holiday Party!

  • 30 Dec 2024
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Worcester Fencing Club


Registration is closed

Celebrate the Holidays!

Bring friends and family to our holiday party -- Monday, December 30th, 6-8pm

This is a great time to introduce a friend to fencing, have some fun with your classmates, or challenge a parent or child to a fencing match!  We will provide the necessary equipment, and there will be cookies and cider for all.

Current and former fencers and families are invited!

Guests should sign up for a free USA Fencing membership here: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=FHMfZ9qnHEiOFp8lIaSJ1p5GSBSj6I5AkLzb26sTBZJUMUFQUjdOWTk5STYzNFVaUzAzR0swSlIxRi4u

The event is free, but please let us know you're coming!

info@worcesterfencing.com | 243 Stafford Street Worcester, MA 01603

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